Income Level Standards
Income Level Standards are Tellusant's globally harmonized income brackets that make it easy to directly compare populations across different countries.

African Standard
The African Standard is our approximation of South Africa's Living Standards Measure for socioeconomic classification. It consists of 10 groupings (numbered 1-10) with group 1 being the poorest and group 10 being the richest. The groups are translated from the following source data for South Africa in 2011, with the sum of all groups being equal to 100% of the population:
- 1: 2.1%
- 2: 5.7%
- 3: 6.5%
- 4: 13.1%
- 5: 16.9%
- 6: 21.%
- 7: 11.0%
- 8: 8.2%
- 9: 9.2%
- 10: 6.3%
Brazilian Standard
The Brazilian Standard is our approximation of the Brazilian Economic Classification system from Associação Brasileira de Empresas de Pesquisa. It consists of 6 groupings (lettered DE, C2, C1, B2, B1, A) with group DE being the poorest and group A being the richest. The groups are translated from the following source data for Brazil in 2021, with the sum of all groups being equal to 100% of the population:
- DE: 27.9%
- C2: 26.4%
- C1: 21.0%
- B2: 16.7%
- B1: 5.1%
- A: 2.9%
Colombian Standard
The Colombian Standard is our approximation of the Colombian socioeconomic stratification system from DANE. It consists of 6 groupings (numbered 1-6) with group 1 being the poorest and group 6 being the richest. The groups are translated from the following source data for Colombia in 2010, with the sum of all groups being equal to 100% of the population:
- 1 (Low-Low): 33.1%
- 2 (Low): 42.0%
- 3 (Medium-Low): 18.6%
- 4 (Medium): 4.1%
- 5 (Medium-High): 1.2%
- 6 (High): 1.0%
Mexican Standard
The Colombian Standard is our approximation of the Mexican system of socioeconomic levels from AMAI. It consists of 7 groupings (lettered E, D, D+, C-, C, C+, A/B) with group E being the poorest and group A/B being the richest. The groups are translated from the following source data for Mexico in 2020, with the sum of all groups being equal to 100% of the population:
- E: 10%
- D: 27.8%
- D+: 15.2%
- C-: 15.4%
- C: 14.0%
- C+: 10.8%
- A/B: 6.8%
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